Date- Tuesday 6th May 2014
Time- 7:30 pm
Venue- The White Hart, Aylesbury End, Beaconsfield, HP9 1LW
Speaker- Clive Morgan
Subject- An Examiners view of Advanced Driving.
Clive Morgan is one of the groups regular Advanced Driving Test examiners, and he also presents Speed Awareness Courses in Essex. He will present some of the finer points of Advanced Driving, which should be of great interest to our Associates, Members and Observers.
An example of his sage advice given to one of our Associates is that typically an Advanced Driver will use Accelerator Sense to reduce speed when entering a speed restrction e.g. 30 MPH. After observing any following vehicles, it is worthwhile touching the brake pedal as you approach the sign, to give a clear signal to traffic that you have slowed.
We look forward to welcoming you to the meeting. The meetings are open to anybody - please feel free to invite friends and family.