The committee of the High Wycombe Group of Advanced Motorists would like to warmly invite you to attend our 36th Annual General Meeting.
Registration will be from 7.15PM and the meeting will start at 7:30PM. Refreshments and light snacks will be provided.
There is a large car park adjacent to the venue, free after 7PM
Members and non-members alike are welcome to attend, but non-members are not eligible to vote.
We very much look forward to welcoming you to the meeting and, as some food is being provided.
Please find the Agenda, Chairman's Report, Accounts, Committee Officer Nomination Form, and Minutes of the 34th AGM, 2019
I'm looking forward to presenting to you some of our research on the views drivers have on the prospect of driverless cars.
It would make the session more interesting for you (and me) if as many people as possible could complete the survey accessed through this link.
We're particularly interested to see whether IAM's members view this issue differently from the many others we have asked already.
Do please share the link with friends, colleagues and family members too - we record who is an IAMs member so it doesn't matter if additional respondents are not IAMs members - the more data the better from our point of view.
Best wishes
Chris Tennant