The committee of the High Wycombe Advanced Motorists would like to warmly invite you to attend our 40th Annual General Meeting.
This year will mark the 40th Anniversary of the High Wycombe Group of Advanced Motorists.
Please find attached the following paperwork for the forthcoming AGM on Tuesday 5 March, to which you are all invited.
Agenda and Speaker details; Minutes of the last AGM; Committee List and Nomination Form; Chairman's Report; Treasurer's Report & 2023 Income & Expenditure report.
Following the formal business of the AGM there will be a presentation by Adam Moore, Station Commander, Amersham and Beaconsfield, Fire and Rescue Service, who will provide a valuable insight into the work of the Service, including safety advice both on and off the road.
As last year the meeting will take place in the Garden Room, Liston Hall, Chapel Street, Marlow SL7 1DD. Arrival 7.15pm for a prompt start at 7.30pm.
After the formal business of the AGM there will be a short break when tea, coffee and biscuits will be available.
To help us with catering and seating arrangements it would be appreciated if you could advise whether or not you intend to join us by replying to this email address : or the contact form on this website.
Parking in the car park adjacent to Liston Hall is free after 19.00hrs.
Please find the Agenda, Chairman's Report, Treasurer's Report, Accounts, Committee Officer Nomination Form, and Minutes of the 39th AGM, 2023.